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 This website contains information on the Stannard, McClure and related families.


This website is a databank of names and information that can be accessed without the use of bespoke software. However, depending on the operating system and capabilities of the platform used to browse the internet the appearance of the site may vary. Notably some fonts are unsupported on tablets, screen layout varies between platforms and some dates have been interpreted as hyperlinks to phone numbers. These are limitations of the software used to create the website.


This website includes lists of names, family trees and information about people’s lives. The list of family names is the route through which you can view the records for each family, including drawings of the family trees. There are also trees of family names which show the ancestral relationships between the families


To navigate around the website left mouse click on underlined text or use the arrow buttons on your browser. The webpages will also work using touch screens.


Some abbreviations used in this site included

b. Born.

Bp. Baptised

d. Died

dv. Divorced

m. Married


I am indebted to Keith Sharp who has carried out extensive research into the Wood and Newman / Wright families. Most of the information in this website on those families has come from Keith’s data. In addition, Keith has recorded his data in a book entitled ‘The Salt of the Earth’ which can be accessed by clicking on the link.


The website continues under development. In April 2016 the site was transferred to a new web address and the families tree file type was changed to allow use on Apple and Mac devices as well as Windows based systems. However, most of the information held on the site dated from the original website developed in 2005.



Simon Stannard 2016